Monday, May 24, 2010

Start of the softball season

As many of you know last years start of the softball season resulted in Greg having a broken leg and me getting a concussion. Will this years start was better. Still not injury free but better. I took a ball off the inside of my forearm. Have a nice little (BIG) bruise and some wonderful stitch marks. I guess that is better then last year so I can't complain. Looking forward to summer being here at the end of this week. We will have Gage all of June. Lots of fun to follow I am sure.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Hello to all from Toni Storm.......Can you believe it? I am a married women. The wedding was great and the reception was wonderful. We had a great time in Vegas. I'll start posting pics soon. Thanks to all of you that came and were a part of the very special day.

I can't imagine how hard of a time we are going to have trying to choose pictures. Our photographer gave us a little sneak peek of some of the pictures. They are so wonderful. She has a true knack for taking pictures that capture the moment. Here are a few of the pictures that we have gotten back (that she has sent me on email)
I wore my favorite para of fat babies. They were the exact same color as my dress but they were close enough.