I guess I am going to just have to commit to doing a post every day during the work week. The weekends are so crazy and I seldom have time to even open my computer. We had an all day rain on Saturday which was nice, thank God for a sump pump that works really well. I kept telling myself all day...Rain rain go away we have things to do today. Since we had no football games this weekend our goal was to complete our move from the old house. However, the rain had another idea. So Sunday was the day. We got several things moved and everything out of cabinets. Still have some stuff to box up and tons of cleaning to do. Then the old house will be on the market. Lynnli would only allow us to work for so long before she needed a nap. With no where to sleep at the old house we made brought the load to the new house and she was OUT. Slept for about 3 hours which was nice because it allowed me to get a little sleep as well.
Sunday I decided that when Greg or I go to the bathroom Lynnli has to as well. So I did that and guess what. Lynnli peed in the potty. I'm not sure at what age kids are potty trained but Lynnli sure is interested.
So here is the challenge...this one will make you think a little bit.
Describe 3 legitimate fears you have and explain how they became fears.
1. I fear not having an impact on any student. I have always been told that if you can have an effect on at least one student you have done your job as a teacher. I love what I do but if I don't impact at least one kid am I really in the career that I should be in? I don't want to be a failure so I hope that someone has been effected due to me being a teacher to them.
2. Snakes.......I don't know what it is about snakes. I can't even go in the amphibian house at the zoo. I get the chills and feel very anxious.
3. I fear not having a good relationship with my kids. I had a great relationship with my mom and I just hope that I can have that same kind of thing with my kids.
So there is your challenge. As far as I know only one person has taken me up on the challenge. If you have not please join in. It's never too late. Plus I have 30 days worth of questions :)
Have a great week
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